
When you think of public safety, what comes to mind?

For a lot of us, the first thought might be crime, but safety is about so much more than that. It’s about creating a place where everyone can truly thrive, where we all feel secure and supported. I’m committed to working together with all of you to make Brooklyn Center a safer, stronger community.

Sure, crime is a concern, and that came through loud and clear in our July 2023 Residential Survey and from conversations with many of you. But real safety goes beyond just preventing crime. It’s about making sure we have stable housing, good jobs, quality education, healthcare—including mental health support—and public spaces where everyone feels welcome. These are the things that really make us feel safe in our community.

To build that kind of safe and thriving community, we all need to work together—our law enforcement, fire department, city staff, and of course, you, the residents. My goal is to bring everyone together and create a strong, unified Brooklyn Center.

Here’s how I plan to do it:

  • Support for Police and Fire Departments: I’ll push for a fully funded police department and a 24-hour duty crew for our fire department so we can respond quickly to emergencies and keep our first responders from burning out.
  • Support Alternative Response Programs: I’m backing programs that offer care for people in crisis, so we can reduce the need for police intervention and make sure folks get the help they really need.
  • Invest in Training and Community Policing: Our police and fire departments need the right training and resources. I’m all for community policing, which is really about building partnerships with residents, working together to solve problems, and making sure our police are truly integrated into the community. It’s about building trust and addressing issues before they become bigger problems.
  • Improve Metro Transit Safety: I’ll team up with the Brooklyn Center Police Department, Metro Transit, and local businesses to clean up the transit hub, increase police presence, and reduce crime not just at the transit hub but also at nearby businesses. We want everyone to feel safe when using public transportation and shopping in our community.
  • Empower Neighborhood Watch Programs: I’ll work with city staff and police to strengthen neighborhood watch programs. These programs are great for bringing neighbors together, improving communication with law enforcement, and making sure we all play a part in keeping our community safe.

We need to keep in mind that no single project can meet all of our community’s needs without impacting other areas. With our city’s economy struggling, it’s crucial that we focus on smart development that gets results and holds everyone accountable.

I’m all about supporting a diverse mix of businesses that welcome all business owners. By doing that, we can create more local jobs, boost our local economy, and really highlight what makes our community special.

Encouraging businesses with solid plans that don’t need a lot of intervention from the city helps us build a thriving and diverse economy that benefits everyone. Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, offering good-paying jobs that are key to our economic stability and growth. And let’s face it—good jobs are directly linked to housing stability, which is something we all care about.

We’ve already seen some great businesses come to Brooklyn Center, and there are more on the way. According to the July 2023 Residential Survey, the top choices for redevelopment were small retail shops (20%) and job-producing opportunities (18%). This shows that our community is eager for development that supports local businesses and creates jobs.

I’m all about finding solutions that genuinely benefit our city, with a strong focus on transparency and integrity. Here’s how I plan to make that happen:

  • Fostering Collaboration with City Staff: Effective governance is a team effort. I’ll work closely with our city staff, valuing their expertise, and making sure we’re all working towards the same goals.
  • Promoting Transparency: Local government should serve the people, and trust is built through transparency. I’ll make sure all budgets, decisions, and processes are clear and easy for you to access.
  • Encouraging Community Engagement: Your voice matters. I’m committed to keeping you informed and actively involved in decision-making, so our community’s needs and ideas are always front and center.

As Chair of the Housing Commission, I’ve worked closely with city staff to get our new commissioners, including myself, up to speed on how housing impacts everyone—residents, landlords, property managers, and the city as a whole.

Here’s how we’ve been working together:

  • Educational Initiatives: We’ve brought in speakers to share insights on tenant protection updates and discussed the Urban Land Institute’s recommendations for future development. Understanding these perspectives helps us make decisions that benefit our entire community.
  • Policy Discussions: We’ve been reviewing the progress city staff has made on implementing the Urban Land Institute’s recommendations, making sure we stay on track with our housing goals. We’ve already made some notable progress on the short-term goals.
  • Licensing and Legislative Updates: We’ve looked into new multi-family construction licenses and repeat Type 4 licenses. Plus, Mike Vraa from HOME Line has kept us updated on legislative changes that affect housing policies.

If elected, I’ll focus on making sure everyone in our community has a safe and comfortable place to live. Here are my top three priorities:

  • More Housing Choices: I’ll advocate for a variety of housing options so everyone can find a place that suits their needs.
  • Working Together: I’ll collaborate with local businesses, nonprofits, and builders to create more housing opportunities. I’ll support policies that make it easier and more cost-effective to build new homes.
  • Keeping Housing Accessible: I’ll back rules that help keep housing costs manageable and support programs that help residents buy homes, giving them stability and a sense of ownership in our community.

I’m committed to making sure everyone has a decent place to live, no matter who they are or where they come from.